Monday, October 26, 2009

Say, "Hey, I love you . . ."

I spent my shift the other night working the control room catching up with two good friends also working the main control room. Best shift in a long time. Never underestimate the power a kind word or a smile will have on someone. Always stop and chat with a friend if you have time. Call somebody having a slow night when that hour between 23o and 330 seems like it will never end.

Say "Hey, I love you . . ."

Pay it forward friends. I had the privilege of being at the right place at the right time a few days ago in our courthouse for a medical emergency. He's actually someone I know quite well. You can make a difference. Don't let the politics and the cynicism get you down . . . it's hard I know. But trust me, it's worth it.


  1. BB, you know what I'm gonna say, right? You never know when you're going to witness a medical emergency, and there may not always be a dispatcher around, so take a first aid course.

  2. Well said! I love the idea of paying it forward. It's like the whole karma thing too.
